新的一年提供了一个反思员工与工作场所关系的机会. As an integral part of their life, 重要的是,工作场所是一个积极的365买球,员工被授权去做他们最好的工作. 家具、技术或政策的微小变化都会对他们的体验产生重大影响. 为了帮助你加强你的混合工作计划,我们整理了一份清单 questions you can use to reflect 在你公司的混合型工作场所文化的优势和发现 key areas for improvement. Consider the following:

1. 你的政策、流程和程序是否反映了员工不同的工作习惯?  

Each employee has a unique work style, and the same goes for the different teams within your organization. 虽然有些团队需要大量的协作,但其他团队可能会做更多的集中工作.

事实上,为整个组织设置通用策略可能是不可行的. 从个人和部门两个层面了解团队的工作习惯. 这样,你就知道什么样的政策和程序能让你的团队表现得最好. 你可能会发现,一些团队每周在办公室呆三天会受益, while others require only quarterly in-person meetings.  

看看混合团队如何使用技术来协调有目的的合作 interview with Nick Iovacchini, CEO and co-founder of KettleOS. 

KettleOS Website

2. 员工有机会联系和加强关系吗?

虽然你的团队可能在遥远的地方工作,但员工永远不应该感到孤立. 当团队成员关系紧密时,他们会表现出更大的信任、协作和创造力. To build camaraderie among team members, they need low-stakes opportunities to connect with each other. 一个简单的解决方案是增加员工参与活动的频率和种类. 


See how KGO fosters stronger collaboration by hosting an annual volunteer day.  

Here are a few ideas that go beyond the after-work happy hour: 

  • Volunteer in the community as a team 
  • Start a book club 
  • Take an online class together 
  • Compete in challenges 

最重要的是,你的团队应该能够建立纽带,帮助他们更好地合作. 这是否意味着让他们有机会因为共同的兴趣而建立联系,或者一起解决难题, team-building activities like these are fun and rewarding.  

3. 技术如何提高个人和团队之间的生产力? 

Is your team taking full advantage of their resources? Are there additional tools that could help streamline their workflows? 对员工使用的工具和平台进行审计,以确定可以在哪些方面进行技术或行为改进.  

你可能会发现,员工需要在某些平台上接受更多的培训,才能发挥出更多的潜能. Alternatively, some tools might not be living up to your expectations. 在审查你的资源时,从内部经理和员工那里得到反馈. 因为他们每天都在使用这些工具,所以他们对挑战有一个清晰的理解. Plus, they’re likely to offer suggestions on how to improve. 

Zoom call on laptop, four workers

Interested in more best practices for virtual meetings? 看看高乐氏(Clorox)一位前高管的其他建议吧: The Right Way to Run Hybrid Meetings

4. 会议实践(面对面的和虚拟的)是否具有包容性和有意的? 

Taking a “remote-first” approach tends to help build equity, increase productivity, and create stronger team connections. 强有力的会议实践对于创造一个包容的365买球至关重要.  

Follow these best practices for hybrid meetings: 

  • Set an agenda and purpose for the meeting. 
  • Assign roles and responsibilities. 
  • 使用技术为所有与会者创造一个无缝的体验——无论他们是远程的还是面对面的. 
  • Give everyone the opportunity to participate. 

5. Do you encourage and value original ideas? 

Maintaining an open mind will foster innovation, learning, and growth. First, you need to empower employees to speak up. Following hybrid meeting best practices is a great place to start. 另一种鼓励开放分享想法的方式是创造一种开放的文化.  

这可以将恐惧或焦虑重新定义为混合工作场所的机会. 使用不同的沟通模式来征求反馈和想法,确保所有团队成员都有机会提高自己的声音. 

此外,重要的是要强调所有的想法都值得分享. Although they may not always be implemented, 鼓励人们在有想法的时候说出来,会创造一个让人们感到自豪的365买球. 

6. Is employee well-being kept top-of-mind? 

In a hybrid environment, we must rethink how we communicate, support, and include our employees, while also maintaining healthy boundaries. While some companies offer a fitness center, daily communication or a cafeteria with healthy meal options, 混合型和远程团队必须提供不同的资源来支持员工的福利.  

建立友谊和保持开放的沟通是必不可少的第一步. A robust employee wellness program sets your team up for success. 此外,这是一项有吸引力的福利,可以帮助招聘和留住员工. At KGO, 我们每月给员工发放津贴,让他们享受健身会员卡等健康服务, massages, supplements, and more. 

See how KGO supports employees in all aspects of their life with an employee wellness program


What tasks are team members working on when they visit the office? 员工需要独特的工具和空间来完成不同的工作. For instance, 对于一个八人团队合作的大365买球网来说,可能不适用于一个单独365买球网的员工. 创造多样化、灵活性、联系和社区支持的办公365买球. 

Read our interview with Louise Humphreys, founder and Principal Owner of Spatially Speaking, 了解如何为您的团队创造灵活的工作365买球. 

8. 在团队内部和团队之间共享信息的标准实践是什么? 

Open communication is essential to hybrid teams. 为通信和信息共享设置标准实践可以使工作继续进行,即使人们按照异步时间表工作. 


  • Use instant messaging platforms for quick communication 
  • Don’t underestimate the power of taking notes 
  • Take the time to think through responses  
  • Clarify the purpose of each communication method 

Sharing information and resources can prevent knowledge silos, but organizations must set up a system to achieve this. 通过对如何沟通设定明确的期望,您的团队可以在混合365买球中茁壮成长. 

Refresh your hybrid work program with KGO. 

我们通过定制的混合工作计划帮助企业实现其业务目标. 从停用办公空间到实施工作场所战略剧本, we can walk your company through the entire process. As a result, you’ll have a productive and creative team. Check out some of the commercial real estate projects 我们在2022年的工作中,看看我们如何支持一个全球团队向混合工作过渡.